


CryptoScout24 is a company that was born in the early days of the cryptocurrency revolution. Founded in 2015, we are an early adopter of this new technology and quickly saw the potential it held for changing the financial world. With the goal of making this new technology accessible to everyone, they created imPULSE - a comprehensive education program that helps people to understand and navigate the cryptocurrency space.

Through the years, we've experienced the highs and lows of the cryptocurrency market, from the bullish conditions of 2017 to the bear market of 2018. But through it all, we've remained committed to our mission of helping people understand and navigate this exciting new space with our flagship product imPULSE.

Now, we are fully prepared to share our knowledge and experience with new people entering the cryptocurrency market as well with experienced people in the space. We believe that education is key to making informed investment decisions and achieving financial independence. That's why we offer imPULSE - a range of educational resources and consulting services to help our clients get started on the path to financial freedom.

Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned pro, we're here to help you navigate the world of cryptocurrency and make the most of this exciting new technology with imPULSE our flagship product. Join us on our journey and let us help you reach your financial goals with imPULSE by CryptoScout24. 

"Join the cryptocurrency revolution with CryptoScout24 - the industry experts!"

Vision  Mission

We are founded on the fundamental principles of: 

as fundamental human rights.

Our vision is to empower you to make good decisions and show you alternatives to todays centralised financial solutions. We help you to leverage and adopt the new digital economy. Decentralized blockchain solutions are becoming more and more common practice.  We make your journey into the world of REAL decentralised finance (real DeFi) as easy as possible.

We provide imPulse for the digitalisation of your business processes, tokenisation of assets while eliminating middleman in your personal and business eco systems wherever possible. We make the blockchain technology easy to use into your day-to-day lives and business and we accelerate the decentralization and use.

We offer an imPulse to upgrade your personal wealth and health so you can stay more focused on better your life. 

We accelerate decentralization and the next evolution in human society.

We establish a eco system where everyone benefits from the freedom and possibilities of global open digital communities

Join our Telegram Info Channel 

Experience & benefit

We have personally experienced market crashes, projects failing, scams and drawdowns of assets as well as several crypto market cycles. We have seen short term extreme volatility or market FUDs such as news delivered via so called serious media that caused people to panic and sell or buy

All of this helped us to grow and learn. Today we know how to mitigate risks, estimate long-term trends in bear and bull markets, provide TA, identify rugs or red flags.

We offer an in-depth Crypto imPulse education that dives into the basics of digital currencies, blockchain technologies security measures and portfolio management.

We pride ourselves on honesty, integrity and loyalty. Whether in person, Zoom calls or on discord, we offer a unique, one on one service. 

Let us show you how to monitor your investments and maximise your profits and cashflow.

Join our Telegram Info Channel 

Strategy & execution

We take you step-by-step through the highes appreciating asset class with confidence.

We never present projects that we have not done the extensive research we feel is required.

Our clients have exclusive access to our private community server to chat and problem-shoot. Our consultants are ready, willing and able to help with any problem to be solved.

Our services are a rich resource for those that are looking for a place to start that they can trust.

We provide access to our VIP Executive Networks and to pre-Seed investment opportunities.

We pave the way for non-public opportunities with industrial leaders and we design innovative concepts for your business or your private interests. 

We teach people to navigate the crypto markets, including information on buying, selling and staking digital currencies or investing. We guide our clients on their way into crypto space, the new metaverse, web3, AI, crypto banking and more.

Join our Telegram Info Channel 

The principles of freedom of speech, freedom of movement and freedom of choice explained

Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right that is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by similar provisions in other constitutions around the world. It is the right to express one's thoughts and opinions freely, without fear of censorship or punishment.

The importance of freedom of speech cannot be overstated. It allows individuals to freely express their ideas, opinions, and beliefs, and to challenge the ideas of others. It is the cornerstone of a healthy democracy, as it allows for the free exchange of ideas and the ability to hold those in power accountable.

However, freedom of speech is not absolute. In most countries, there are certain limitations on what can be said or published. For example, speech that incites violence or hate crimes, or that defames or libels an individual, is not protected. In addition, many countries have laws against hate speech, which is speech that targets individuals or groups based on their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristics, and that is intended to incite violence or discrimination against those individuals or groups.

Despite these limitations, it is important to protect the right to freedom of speech, even when the ideas being expressed are controversial or offensive. Allowing individuals to express their views, even if they are unpopular or disagreeable, is essential for a healthy democracy. It allows for the airing of diverse viewpoints and the ability to debate and discuss different ideas.

In recent years, there has been a growing debate about the limits of freedom of speech, particularly on the internet. With the proliferation of social media and other online platforms, it has become easier for individuals to disseminate their views to a wide audience. This has led to concerns about the spread of misinformation and hate speech online. While it is important to address these concerns, it is also important to protect the right to freedom of speech and to ensure that individuals are not punished for expressing their views, as long as they do not incite violence or engage in hate speech.

In conclusion, freedom of speech is a fundamental human right that is essential for a healthy democracy. While there are limitations on what can be said or published, it is important to protect the right to express one's views freely, even when those views are controversial or offensive.

Freedom of movement is the right to travel and move freely within a country or between countries. It is a fundamental human right that is protected by various international human rights instruments, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

The right to freedom of movement is essential for individuals to be able to live their lives to the fullest. It allows individuals to pursue education and employment opportunities, visit family and friends, and participate in cultural and social activities. It also allows people to flee persecution, violence, or other human rights abuses in their home countries.

However, freedom of movement is not always guaranteed. Governments may impose restrictions on movement for various reasons, such as national security, public health, or to control immigration. While some limitations on freedom of movement may be necessary, it is important that any such restrictions are proportionate and do not discriminate against certain groups of people.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of restrictions on freedom of movement, particularly in the form of border controls and visa requirements. While these measures may be justified in some cases, they can also have negative impacts on individuals, particularly those who are seeking to flee persecution or human rights abuses.

It is important to protect the right to freedom of movement and to ensure that individuals are not arbitrarily denied the ability to travel or move freely. This includes ensuring that individuals have access to the necessary documents and visas to travel, and that they are not subjected to discrimination or abuse at borders or other points of entry.

In conclusion, freedom of movement is a fundamental human right that allows individuals to live their lives to the fullest and pursue opportunities for personal and professional development. It is important to protect this right and to ensure that individuals are not arbitrarily denied the ability to travel or move freely.

Freedom of choice is the ability to make decisions about one's own life, free from coercion or external influence. It is a fundamental human right that is essential for individuals to be able to live their lives to the fullest and to fully realize their potential.

Freedom of choice allows individuals to make decisions about their own lives, including what they do, where they go, and how they live. It allows people to pursue their own interests, goals, and values, and to live their lives in the way that they see fit.

However, freedom of choice is not always absolute. In some cases, governments or other authorities may restrict an individual's ability to make certain choices, either for the individual's own protection or for the greater good of society. For example, laws that prohibit certain activities, such as drug use or gambling, may be designed to protect individuals from harm or to prevent societal harm.

Despite these limitations, it is important to protect the right to freedom of choice. Allowing individuals to make their own decisions about their lives is essential for personal autonomy and self-determination. It is also important for the promotion of diversity and the flourishing of different cultures and ways of life.

In recent years, there has been a growing debate about the extent to which individuals should be able to exercise their freedom of choice. Some argue that individuals should be allowed to make their own decisions, even if those decisions may be risky or harmful, while others believe that certain limits on freedom of choice may be necessary to protect individuals or society.

In conclusion, freedom of choice is a fundamental human right that allows individuals to make decisions about their own lives and to fully realize their potential. It is important to protect this right and to ensure that individuals are not arbitrarily denied the ability to make their own decisions. At the same time, it is important to recognize that there may be limitations on freedom of choice in certain cases, in order to protect individuals or society.

The fastest appreciating asset class in the history of mankind

Cryptocurrencies are the fastest appreciating assets in the history of mankind.

Had you put in $1, you could have made life-changing wealth, many did.

Potential for mad gains comes with many risks – hacks, scams, rug pulls to name just a few. If the invention of cryptocurrencies was the first financial revolution of our time, we needed a second one to eliminate bad projects, expose fake influencers, and get rid of the dishonest owners who create new digital currencies just to extort money from investors.

Banks vs. blockchains

Banks and blockchains are two different systems for storing and transferring value. Banks are financial institutions that offer a variety of financial services, including storing and managing money, issuing loans, and facilitating financial transactions. Blockchains, on the other hand, are decentralized digital databases that use cryptography to secure and record transactions.

One key difference between banks and blockchains is their level of centralization. Banks are typically centralized institutions that are controlled by a small group of individuals or organizations. This means that they have a certain level of power and control over the financial system, and can make decisions that impact the lives of millions of people. Blockchains, on the other hand, are decentralized, meaning that they are not controlled by any single entity. Instead, they are maintained by a network of computers that work together to validate and record transactions.

Another key difference is the level of transparency and security. Banks typically keep their financial records private, and only make certain information available to the public. This can make it difficult for individuals to fully understand how the financial system works and how their money is being used. Blockchains, on the other hand, are designed to be transparent and open, with all transactions recorded on a public ledger. This makes it easier for individuals to track their transactions and understand how the system works. Additionally, blockchains use advanced cryptography to secure transactions, making them more resistant to fraud and tampering than traditional financial systems.

There are also differences in terms of accessibility and inclusion. Banks are typically accessible only to those who meet certain criteria, such as having a certain level of income or credit score. This can make it difficult for individuals who do not meet these criteria to access financial services and participate in the financial system. Blockchains, on the other hand, are generally more accessible and inclusive, as they do not have the same barriers to entry as traditional financial institutions.

In conclusion, banks and blockchains are two different systems for storing and transferring value, with some significant differences in terms of centralization, transparency, security, and accessibility. While both systems have their own strengths and weaknesses, they are likely to coexist and potentially complement each other in the future, as they offer different solutions to different problems.

Cryptoscout24 preferes to use blockchain solutions as the way forward to mitigate the risks of the current financial system such as inflation and central control and to benefit from independance, transparency and own custody of your financial funds. BYOB, be your own bank.

The optimist versus the pessimist versus the futurist

An optimist is a person who tends to see the positive side of things and expects the best outcome. An optimist may focus on the potential benefits of a situation and be hopeful about the future.

A pessimist, on the other hand, is a person who tends to see the negative side of things and expects the worst outcome. A pessimist may focus on the potential risks or drawbacks of a situation and be skeptical about the future.

A futurist is a person who studies trends and makes predictions about the future. A futurist may consider a variety of factors, including technological advancements, economic trends, and social changes, to make informed predictions about what the future may hold.

There are pros and cons to each perspective. Optimists may be more likely to embrace new opportunities and take action, as they believe that things will work out for the best. However, they may also be more prone to disappointment if things do not turn out as expected. Pessimists, on the other hand, may be more cautious and less likely to take risks, which can help them avoid potential pitfalls. However, they may also miss out on opportunities and be less motivated to take action.

Futurists, as the name suggests, try to focus on the future and what it may bring, rather than the present or the past. This allows them to anticipate and prepare for potential changes and challenges. However, futurists must also be careful not to fall into the traps of overconfidence or overly optimistic or pessimistic thinking, as it is impossible to predict the future with complete accuracy.

In conclusion, optimists, pessimists, and futurists are three different perspectives on the world, each with their own pros and cons. While it is important to consider all three perspectives, it is also important to find a balance and not become too heavily influenced by any one perspective.

Cryptoscout24 focus is on optimistic and futuristic perspectives of markets, market potentials and benefits.

Building vs. betting

Building and betting are two different approaches to achieving success and realizing one's goals.

Building involves actively working to create something, whether it be a product, a service, or a relationship. Building requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to put in the hard work and effort needed to create something of value. It often involves taking calculated risks and making investments in the hopes of achieving long-term success.

Betting, on the other hand, involves taking a chance on something with the hope of achieving a quick or easy win. Betting often involves taking risks with the expectation of a high reward, but with the potential for significant losses.

There are pros and cons to each approach. Building can be a slow and steady process, but it often leads to more sustainable and long-term success. It allows individuals to create something of value and to control their own destiny. Betting, on the other hand, can be more exciting and potentially more rewarding in the short-term, but it also carries a higher level of risk and the potential for significant losses.

Ultimately, the best approach will depend on an individual's goals and circumstances. Some people may prefer to focus on building and creating something of lasting value, while others may be more inclined to take risks and bet on the potential for a quick win. It is important to consider both approaches and to find a balance that works for you.

At Cryptoscout24 we are focussing on building financial wealth and building your financial independance.

Centralized vs. Decentralized

Centralized vs Decentralized Cryptocurrency: Pros and Cons

In the world of cryptocurrency, there are two main types: centralized and decentralized. Both have their own unique characteristics and benefits, but which one is better for you?

First, let's define the terms. A centralized cryptocurrency is one that is controlled by a single entity, such as a government or a corporation. This means that transactions and processes are overseen and regulated by this central authority. On the other hand, a decentralized cryptocurrency is one that is not controlled by any single entity and operates on a peer-to-peer network.

Now, let's take a look at the pros and cons of each type of cryptocurrency.

Centralized Cryptocurrency



Decentralized Cryptocurrency



In conclusion, both centralized and decentralized cryptocurrencies have their own unique pros and cons. 

We at Cryptoscout24 recommend to use DECENTRALIZED finance over centralized due to the nature of having all critical processes in your own hand. It is the best way to organise your self custodian and independent financial structure.

What are the biggest challenges to solve if you want to get into crypto space?

There are several challenges that can make it difficult to get into the world of cryptocurrency: