TOP 30 NFT use cases.pdf
TOP 30 NFT use cases by
TOP 30 NFT use cases by
This 104 pages review contains Top 30 NFT Use Cases For The Enterprise in 2022
NFTs and Digital Art Collectible NFTs
Gaming NFTs
NFT in Real Estate space Sports NFT
Avatars and PFP NFT Entertainment NFTs
Logistics NFTs
NFT in fashion industry NFT community platforms NFT in Fintech space
NFT events and tickets NFT in virtual reality
NFT and supply chains NFT in photography
NFT as brand identity NFTs and DeFi
NFT in travel industry
NFT in hotel and hospitality industry Domain name NFTs
NFT as academics and digital Credentials NFTs and the wine industry
Political NFT
NFT in architecture
Literature and Books NFTs
NFT in healthcare
NFT in fundraising
Digital Twin NFTs
Artificial Intelligence (AI) NFTs
NFT and Social Media